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Alison says hello!

What is your role at MT Loos?

I consider myself the MT Loos general dogsbody… ha ha! I’m in the admin team and I’ve been here for 2 years. I’ve actually been in the industry for the last 15 years, so have bags of experience, having previously run a portable toilet business in Swindon.

What do you love about your role?

I couldn’t think of anything worse than just feeling like you’re doing the same thing, day in day out. Variety is the spice of life and that’s one of the things that I love about working at MT Loos. It keeps me on my toes! I really do believe that if your work is varied and fun, you enjoy it more and that shows in how you deal with customers. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love wielding a chainsaw… no really, it’s true! I’m currently training to be able to use one officially and then fallen trees and debris… watch out! All this has stemmed from me being pretty green fingered, spending much of my spare time gardening, my passion for which has just grown & grown (excuse the pun!) I also have dogs that are just the best company and you’ll often see them taking me out for a walk – or should that be the other way around?!

Any funny stories to tell?

We once found police handcuffs in one of the loos… I was gutted that we had to give them back! Another time we’d loaded up and had to pull off a site very quickly. We’d just pumped out a disabled toilet but some silly sausage went straight in afterwards, before we’d finished unloading… I decided to move it ever so slightly and the man screamed like a baby… his mates were in fits of laughter!

When your name fits…. Many, many years ago I was emptying my truck into a cess logger in Gloucester. I didn’t realise that pressure had built up in the outlet pipe and when I disconnected it…. I was covered from head to toe in bright blue chemicals and poo – so much so that it turned  my hair blue! To this day those ‘in the know’ refer to me as Springfield’s own Marge Simpson.

Life is full of c**p… I just wished my hair and clothes weren’t!

That’s life… you live and learn (hopefully!)

General dogsbody
I love wielding a chainsaw… no really, it's true!

Ready to take the plunge?

Get in touch with us today to discuss your portable toilet needs. We’re happy to offer our expertise and advice so that you get the product you need for your exact circumstances.